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Now here we Art Museum has an exhibition, mainly on the various styles of ancient and modern Chinese painting works exhibition, works not only now, the period of the Republic of China also has the ancient writings, such as Jin Gu Kaizhi quotLo River mapquot don Yan Liben quotBunian;国画展是中国传统艺术的宝贵资源,也是中华文化的一种重要形式举办国画展既能够促进中国传统艺术的推广和发展,也能够展示中国艺术文化的魅力,以及传递中华儿女对祖国的热爱和献礼之情此外,国画展还能够促进中外文化交流,增进不同文化之间的了解和沟通,是一种有意义的文化交流形式国画展具有多样化。

我叫李华,来自中国听说要举办中国画展,我很高兴在我看来,做一名志愿者对我提高自己的能力是有好处的,所以我必须抓住这个好机会我们都知道每个人都有自己的天赋我也是我善于与人相处我总是准备去帮助那些需要帮助的人我也很热心在这次展览中,我能够为参观者提供建议和帮助他们特别地;exhibition hibit来自拉丁词habere“有”的变形,exhibition是“将自己拥有的东西拿出来”,引申为展览 eksI5bIFEnn 展览会 an exhibition of paintings 画展 They are coming to the exhibition as my guests他们作为我邀请的客人来参观展览会Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have promoted。

noticetomorrow is fridaywe are going to visit the science museum tomorrownow ,let me tell you something about tonorrow#39s visitplease pay attention to me carefullywe are going to meet at the school gate at 800amplease arrive on timewe are going thereon footwe all;Art Biography Xiao Bo male born in 1967 Suining City in Sichuan Province Sichuan, China Artists Association members Beijing Oil Painting Society Member 1992 so far in Beijing, in the art of painting to the artist Now settled Beijing Studio Songzhuang defense fortifications Arts。

I go to the exhibition As soon as I arrived at the entrance to the exhibition hall, I saw rows of flowers There were many colored ribbons on the ground They were very bright Then, we went into the hall, I immediately saw many pictures of a riot of colours in;英 #39p#618kt#643#601 美 #39p#618kt#643#602n 照片,图画,挂画影片景色化身 vt 画想像描写 短语 Talking Picture 会说话的图画 有声** 会措辞的丹青 Reference Picture 参考图片 科技 参照图 参考画面 参考图像 picture show 画展。

One day, I came to an art museum to visit an exhibition of paintings 你学习进步,更上一层楼 *^__^*不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢;MaoJianMing JingTang boasts a painting, master, teaching, rigor by my father, oil painting, traditional Chinese painting Sponsored by the ministry of culture, the China federation attended the exhibition, once golden prize, second prize and several, Chinese literature association quotgolden。


1、我正在写信邀请你参加我市将要在8月15日周六下午举行的中国画画展用英语表达I am now writing to you to invite you to attend our city’s Chinese Painting Exhibition at Saturday afternoon, 15th of August我正在写信邀请你,I am now writing to you。

2、exhibition 的规模,可大可小,有些小型画廊的个人画展也可以被称为art exhibitions也有很大规模的,上万人都会去参加的展览会,比如中国明朝瓷器展 an exhibition of Chinese ceramics from the Ming dynastyexposition 更是有博览会的概念,如2010年举办的上海世博会的英文名称就是 Shanghai World Expo。

3、tomorrow is fridaywe are going to visit the science museum tomorrownow ,let me tell you something about tonorrow#39s visitplease pay attention to me carefullywe are going to meet at the school gate at 800amplease arrive on timewe are going thereon footwe all must。



6、妈妈带你去美术馆看画展,你看到很漂亮的画翻译Mother takes you to the art gallery to see the exhibition, you see the beautiful paintings感叹句How wonderful it is。


This campus arts festival held by our school has many activities, such as singing contest, Musical Instruments competition, and painting and calligraphy exhibition game。

答 Art Exhibition可以表示艺术展览的意思, 也可以表示画展,我如果说还想具体一点的话就可以说Painting Exhibition希望可以帮助到你。
